Blog /Jewelry Care Page
General Care of Jewelry / Tips to preserve your jewelry
- Your jewelry should be the last thing you put on after your lotion, cosmetics, hairspray, perfume etc And the first thing you take off by the end of day.
- Do not perform any sports activity with your jewelry on.
- Avoid exposure to chemicals such as chlorine, bleach, ammonia etc.
- Do NOT bath with jewelry.
- Store jewelry in a dry place, humidity tends to create room for oxidation and tarnishing.
- Store jewelry according to metals e.g, store gold separately, gemstones separately etc do NOT jumble them together. Diamonds can scratch other stones if they are kept closely together. Make sure your natural stones are stored somewhere cool, dry, and shaded.
- Keep chains clasp together as that reduces tangling.
- Avoid using abrasive cleaners for your jewelry. Make use of jewelry cleaners intended solely for the purpose of cleaning that metal or gemstone. . E.g do not use silver cleaning materials on gold materials.
- Take your jewelry to a jeweler once in a while to inspect, especially jewelry with gemstones as settings may have moved.
- Constantly dropping, banging, or catching the piece will weaken it over time. So dont just toss the jewelry in the top drawer, that is how they get broken.
- Do not wear your jewelry to bed. Tossing and turning can cause chains to stretch and break, and prongs on rings to catch and possibly break.
- Store jewelry away from direct sunlight, heat, window sills and vents.
- Remove all jewelry before swimming or getting into hot tubs.
- Do not leave jewelry in cars.
- When traveling, protect your jewelry pieces from scratches or other impact damage by padding it in a separate box or case.
- Never remove rings by pulling on the stone: that habit may result in a loose, then lost, gem.
- Take rings off before using hand creams and lotions, to prevent a buildup of oil and the dirt it attracts.
How to clean various jewelry types

Sterling Silver
Silver tarnishes faster in areas with high humidity and air pollution so clean often.
925 sterling silver doesnt wash or fade- it gets dirty however and all you need do is clean it with a cleaning cloth or liquid and its as good as new If it is plated however, it will eventually fade off the plating after a while of scratching. Anything plated will eventually come off the reveal the base metal, in this case 925 sterling silver.
The best way to clean silver is to use a silver / jewelry cleaning / polishing cloth. Polish silver at least once a month. Whatever you do, no not use tissue or paper towel to clean your silver.
Clean your sterling silver jewelry with a soft 100% cotton (nub free) cloth or flannel cloth and gently rub off any excess makeup. Remember, silver is a very soft metal and you can scratch it if you aren't careful so don't rub it too briskly. Never use anything but a clean 100% cotton or a special sterling silver cleaning cloth (a popular choice is Sunshine polishing cloth) or very soft bristle brush, like a baby’s tooth brush or a horsehair silver brush. Paper, polyester, and coarse fabrics often contain wood fibers or synthetics that can cause tiny scratches in the surface of your fine sterling silver jewelry. Dirt left over from previous cleanings can scratch the surface as well.
Note: We recommend that you don’t use silver dips for removing oxidation from your silver jewelry as it will leave microscopic pits causing it to darken faster. Instead, focus on preventative care by storing your jewelry in a closed box or plastic baggy as silver will tarnish when exposed to air.

Mix a small amount of mild dish detergent with warm water in a bowl. Put the jewelry into the bowl and let sit for a few minutes. Use a soft toothbrush (like a baby tooth brush) to gently scrub the jewelry. Remove item from soapy water, rinse it and dry thoroughly with a soft polishing cloth.
You can also use a polishing kit for extra shine and to remove any tarnish. (Sometimes 14k gold can tarnish a bit - particularly on earrings and the inside of rings - depending on your skin chemistry)
Gold doesn’t tarnish, but it can be dirtied or dulled by the oils in your skin, body lotion, makeup or other substances. Mix a squeeze of mild dish detergent with warm water in a bowl. Put the gold item into the soap mixture and let sit for a few minutes. Use a soft toothbrush to gently scrub the jewelry. Remove item from soapy water, rinse it and dry thoroughly with a soft polishing cloth.

Gold plated
Keep gold-plated jewelry away from hard surfaces. Bumps and scratches will cause the gold layer to wear away faster. Store your gold-plated jewelry in a velvet lined jewelry box, or wrap it in a soft material that will prevent scratches. Lightly wipe your gold-plated jewelry with a damp cotton cloth. This will help to eliminate any dirt or dust from accumulating on the surface and wearing away the gold layer. Use a non-abrasive jewelry polishing cloth and gently rub the gold-plated jewelry to restore shine. You can also take the gold-plated jewelry to a local jeweler where they can replace the gold layer. This may be necessary if the gold-plating has already started to wear off.

Mix a small amount of mild dish detergent with warm water in a bowl. Put the jewelry into the bowl and let sit for a few minutes. Use a soft toothbrush (like a baby tooth brush) to gently scrub the jewelry. Remove item from soapy water, rinse it and dry thoroughly with a soft polishing cloth.

Cubic Zirconia
Use a cotton or flannel cloth to wipe your jewelry clean. A special jewelry polishing cloth would be perfect (a popular choice is Sunshine Polishing Cloth). Using straight, back and forth strokes, polish your jewelry and remove any surface dirt and dust. Do not rub in a circular motion as that can scratch the surface of your jewelry. Then use a cleaning solution to remove grime and dirt.
Just like a diamond, a cubic zirconia can be cleaned with warm water and mild soap. Use a soft, cosmetic applicator to reach crevices. However, if you wish, you can use a trusted jewelry cleaner to remove any dirt and dust from your zirconium.
Steam your CZ jewelry. Using a teakettle or any other method that produces steam, hold your jewelry directly over the steam stream to loosen dirt. You should wear gloves and use tongs or needle-nose pliers to avoid burns. Once steamed, use your polishing cloth to dry your jewelry.

The best way to care for your opals is with some mindful preventative measures. Don't wear your opal jewelry in extreme temperatures (like, really extreme), during physical activities, and also, avoid contact with soap, water, and household cleaners. Set your opals down gently when you remove them.

Soft gems, such as pearls can easily scratch. Some argue that you can use a new, clean makeup brush and warm, soapy water to softly clean them. Lay a strand of pearls on a towel to dry. The wet silk thread can stretch − and attract dirt − so don’t touch your strand until it is completely dry.
Pearls worn often should be restrung once a year. Pearls should be cleaned with a soft cloth moistened with water and the little bit of ivory soap.
Only use jewelry cleaners that are clearly marked safe for pearls. Never use ultrasonic cleansers, dish or wash detergents, bleaches, baking soda or ammonia based cleansers